Saturday, May 31, 2014

Meet Debra and Ralph

These visionary people are the owners of the Kinder Campus - 'Hilltop' in Edmonton - one of two centres owned by this family. Amazing people living their dream with their own children as well as participating children, families, teachers and their community. I am struck by the passion and deep commitment to quality early childhood education that drives decision making here and firmly places  the child and family at the heart of the matter. As I share some of the perspectives you will gain more of an insight of what I experienced while visiting with them at both centres.

An outdoor environment that reminded me of home 

A shaded sandpit with diggers and trucks
Lots of logs for children to use for their own purposes...who knows maybe there are cities being made here and construction vehicles??
These milk crates are very popular with the children right now. They enable children to make obstacle courses and constructions for their own goals for learning and engagement. 'Open' materials that invite children to be creative and resourceful
The house outside with the bridge and is quite impressive what is possible here with limited natural materials....when I asked a group of teachers a few days ago about the natural materials available freely in the environment the answer was 'pinecones'. Perhaps we take for granted the abundance of natural materials papatuanuku provides for us.
Ralph is really clever at making things...this is a castle for the children, proudly flying the Canadian flag. I can only imagine how many worlds the children conquer while occupying this castle as just across the way is an approaching pirate ship!!

There is a water pump in there - currently out of action as there have been stones added to the mechanism.
Above is the pirate ship - look closely - there are canons!!
The pirate ship was made to cover up a cable wire that came within the boundary of the centre and needed to be 'hidden' for compliance and good sense
Just in case the pirates get lost and unsuspecting passersby have not got their wits about them - dangerous territory between a castle and pirate ship!!
Look carefully for the houses in the tree painted by the toddlers for the birds

Respecting the right for children to be immersed in beauty!

 Dining alfresco - outdoor furniture to create spaces for social time over food. When children are immersed in experiences and conquering the world, the snacks come outside to the children rather then interupting their 'flow' experience.
Spring has arrived in Edmonton and planting is a big thing. I have been watching Mary Lynne doing the 'spring dance' with flower pots as the weather here is still a little temperamental. There is a water feature trickling in the background to enhance the ambiance of the outdoor space.
The gardens are planted, tomatos and herbs are in. There are many fruit trees here and the children and teachers make preserves as the fruit comes into season. This sounds a lot like some of the exemplar experiences we read about in Te Whatu Pokeka and Kei Tua o te Pae.
A big wall was too ugly so a 'fake' window was installed and flower boxes planted. Simple ideas to make the space more inviting and engaging for children and families. The children and parents walk down the path past this and a big blank wall does not align with the rest of the environment. Something small that makes a difference.
Here come the blossoms and new growth of spring

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