Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Place to Play - Presenter: Brittany Atkinson - 2.45 - 4.15pm

It is understood that children learn through their play. Through play, children build relationships, make meaning, and shape their identities. Educators create spaces for children to play. What does it mean for children’s play, children’s sense of citizenship, and their social learning when they create their own places for their play? Brittany will share her experiences of supporting and expanding children’s play as they shape their own play spaces – their own invented worlds where they imagine, create, solve problems, and invite and participate with ideas and others.

This workshop was an inspiring story about how a teacher grappled with her own bias related to rural vs urban living. Three scenarios were shared how with her 'partners' (aka colleagues/ teachers/ educators) she carefully observed children through play. The workshop started with Brittany reading this book to us about childhood memories - this is significant for the theme of the workshop.

A critical feature of her reflections included being involved in children's play rather than distancing from the activity. Some careful decisions were made with children as the environment was adapted to support their play priorities. One scenario tracked how the winter olympics was MEANINGFULLY included in the programme to inspire children's learning and parents engagement. Great examples were shared of children making a curling rink at the parent commented on how proud his grandfather would be to know he was learning to curl a stone (made from freezing ice in a milk bottle so the children could hold it and send it across the ice). The photos showed children using brooms to sweep the way clear for the 'stone'. I thought this was very cool!!!

 Meet some of the amazing teachers at the early childhood centre and faculty staff I am meeting. From left to right - Brittany (workshop presenter), Mary Lynne (the person looking after me and faculty member), Jennifer (educator - also worked at Puddleducks for 3 months in NZ), Lee (faculty and curriculum developer), Rebecca (teaching for 3 weeks) and Erica (teaching for 1 week).

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